The talented Jodi Friedman over at
MCP Actions has started a new
52 Project and has invited everyone to join her. I have been wanting to try a 365 Project and I’m going to give it the old college try, but knowing me if I missed more than a day I would give it up as hopeless.... soooooo.... I am officially committing to Jodi’s
MCP Project 52: Photo a Week. I’m even going to stick to the given theme. (And we’ll see how close I can get to 365 photos this year.)
Since the point of this project, for me, is to improve both my photography and learn at least a tiny bit of editing, (Specifically, try not to weep and gnash my teeth in frustration if every photo isn’t perfect straight out of the camera.) I will be posting both the SOC version and the edited version for each photo.
So with out further adieu here is week 1.

ISO 100, 218 mm, f/5, 1/4, Using my gorillapod and shutter release.

I cropped it to get rid of the blown out needle threader and used
PW Woman’s PS Actions Sharpen and Define/Seventies Action.